Babylon Mystery Religion - Ralph Woodrow
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- Publication date
- 1966
- Topics
- Mystery Babylon, New Age, Christianity, Religion, History
- Collection
- folkscanomy_religion; folkscanomy; additional_collections
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 315.6M
177 pages
first published 1966, reprinted 1981
Babylon Mystery Religion is a detailed Biblical and historical account of how, when, why, and where ancient paganism was mixed with Christianity. From the early days of Babylon and the legends surrounding Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz, certain rites and rituals are traced in their various developments, thus providing clues whereby the "mystery" is solved! The apostles had predicted there would come a "falling away" and the proof of their prediction is now evident in history. With such evidence in hand, all true believers should seek, as never before, the simplicity found in Christ himself and to earnestly contend for that original faith which was once delivered unto the saints
first published 1966, reprinted 1981
Babylon Mystery Religion is a detailed Biblical and historical account of how, when, why, and where ancient paganism was mixed with Christianity. From the early days of Babylon and the legends surrounding Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz, certain rites and rituals are traced in their various developments, thus providing clues whereby the "mystery" is solved! The apostles had predicted there would come a "falling away" and the proof of their prediction is now evident in history. With such evidence in hand, all true believers should seek, as never before, the simplicity found in Christ himself and to earnestly contend for that original faith which was once delivered unto the saints
- Addeddate
- 2015-09-13 20:06:26
- Identifier
- Babylon-Mystery-Religion-Ralph-Woodrow
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t1ng88z4m
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0
- Ppi
- 600
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- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3
- Year
- 1966
July 20, 2017
Subject: reply to HarryHeller02
Subject: reply to HarryHeller02
There are a few translations of Babylon and its root word.
This has several independent sources for translation so it's much more reliable.
The majority are to confusion for babylon.
Even looking at it from your links, the "gates of God" could just as easily be interpreted as the CLOSED gates of God, as referred to in Apocalypse, where those who refuse God are without the Gates of the Holy City. Just looking at it from the natural ORDER as created by God this makes no sense saying God created "confusion", this is reflected in the human ordering of things, which always happens for stability.
Gates are simply regulators or filters, opening and closing as per those who control them, and those who pass beyond confusion find God.
Now how could a unified Catholic(means universal Christian) Church that has the same beliefs and same liturgy worldwide be concluded to be "mystery babylon"? makes no sense. The Catechism is clear, concise and backed up by Scripture as well as St Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and the other Catholic Fathers throughout. I'll trust 2000 years of that to some wiki that are notorious for being propaganda mouthpieces and simplistic interpretations from such.
No no this is a Judaeo-Masonic plan to associate falsley Catholicity with the real confusion that is Protestantism(self evident) and it's roots in the mystery religions as shown to be in the modern form of Freemasonry. This book is just another piece in the satanic conspiracy to defame God. Mr Woodrow was a later version of Hislop and his book "The two Babylons", another hit piece against Christian Unity. I could also name Jack Chick, whose blatant lying as to the Holy Scriptures is swallowed up freely by those who have never actually read Holy Scripture aka the Bible. Those too lazy to do even that, and that's most people, deserve what they get.
Now another thing would be that YES, those who resist God will have confusion and confounding. He controls the gates and those who prefer pride will get confusion. So in that sense sure but it's not God that creates confusion it's those in the opposition and the Adversary that they follow.
Lastly good old Harry seems interested enough, he's most likely a Widows Son or Fellow Traveler snake in the grass.
This book is tripe.
This has several independent sources for translation so it's much more reliable.
The majority are to confusion for babylon.
Even looking at it from your links, the "gates of God" could just as easily be interpreted as the CLOSED gates of God, as referred to in Apocalypse, where those who refuse God are without the Gates of the Holy City. Just looking at it from the natural ORDER as created by God this makes no sense saying God created "confusion", this is reflected in the human ordering of things, which always happens for stability.
Gates are simply regulators or filters, opening and closing as per those who control them, and those who pass beyond confusion find God.
Now how could a unified Catholic(means universal Christian) Church that has the same beliefs and same liturgy worldwide be concluded to be "mystery babylon"? makes no sense. The Catechism is clear, concise and backed up by Scripture as well as St Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and the other Catholic Fathers throughout. I'll trust 2000 years of that to some wiki that are notorious for being propaganda mouthpieces and simplistic interpretations from such.
No no this is a Judaeo-Masonic plan to associate falsley Catholicity with the real confusion that is Protestantism(self evident) and it's roots in the mystery religions as shown to be in the modern form of Freemasonry. This book is just another piece in the satanic conspiracy to defame God. Mr Woodrow was a later version of Hislop and his book "The two Babylons", another hit piece against Christian Unity. I could also name Jack Chick, whose blatant lying as to the Holy Scriptures is swallowed up freely by those who have never actually read Holy Scripture aka the Bible. Those too lazy to do even that, and that's most people, deserve what they get.
Now another thing would be that YES, those who resist God will have confusion and confounding. He controls the gates and those who prefer pride will get confusion. So in that sense sure but it's not God that creates confusion it's those in the opposition and the Adversary that they follow.
Lastly good old Harry seems interested enough, he's most likely a Widows Son or Fellow Traveler snake in the grass.
This book is tripe.
February 2, 2017
Subject: reply to hertzian67
Subject: reply to hertzian67
I have no dog in this fight, but I like to point out facts.
>Babylon means confusion
It means "Gate of God"
>God wants unity, not confusion.
The story of Tower of Babel tells how God divided the peoples of the Earth by giving them different languages so that they could not build the Tower of Babel:
"in Genesis associated with the idea of confusion"
Hence God himself created "confusion" - because he did not wish "unity"
>Babylon means confusion
It means "Gate of God"
>God wants unity, not confusion.
The story of Tower of Babel tells how God divided the peoples of the Earth by giving them different languages so that they could not build the Tower of Babel:
"in Genesis associated with the idea of confusion"
Hence God himself created "confusion" - because he did not wish "unity"
favorite -
June 20, 2016
Subject: Another Judaeo-Masonic hit piece
Subject: Another Judaeo-Masonic hit piece
This is a Judaeo-Masonic hit piece in line with their stated goals as mentioned in the Alta Vendita, the Humanum Genus of Pope Leo XII and many other places. Protestantism is a Judaeo-Masonic movement to introduce confusion(Babylon means confusion btw) into Christianity and it has surely done that. God wants unity, not confusion. Certainly there have been many hidden snakes wearing Catholic garb over the centuries and this is certainly at its height today. However there is strong Biblical support for things like mitres, Holy Virgin Mary veneration etc Ritualism is woven throughout the Old Testament and does not imply any nefarious meanings or outcomes.
During the Last Supper Christ Himself mentions the bread and wine as symbolically attesting in the physical world correspondence to the spiritual world. I could go on and on. The apostasy is actually the re-emergence of the mystery religions into the public domain in a large scale and this is certainly what we have with the New Age(Masonic in origin), Hinduism concepts, yoga( ritual sex with Kali) and a thousand other things that are "commonplace" in todays society. Malachi Martin, a Jesuit, and his works were approved by the Jewish Freemason Pope JP2 and are also tasked with defaming the Church by infiltrators like the Jesuits and Judaeo-Masons in high places.
The Catholic Church is the unified Christian Church and it's fathers like St Augustine, St Jerome etc and its relatively modern day luminaries like Denis Fahey, Pope Leo XIII, Vennari, William Walsh and many many others attest to this. Unity not Confusion(Babylon means confusion) will prevail against the gates of hell.
During the Last Supper Christ Himself mentions the bread and wine as symbolically attesting in the physical world correspondence to the spiritual world. I could go on and on. The apostasy is actually the re-emergence of the mystery religions into the public domain in a large scale and this is certainly what we have with the New Age(Masonic in origin), Hinduism concepts, yoga( ritual sex with Kali) and a thousand other things that are "commonplace" in todays society. Malachi Martin, a Jesuit, and his works were approved by the Jewish Freemason Pope JP2 and are also tasked with defaming the Church by infiltrators like the Jesuits and Judaeo-Masons in high places.
The Catholic Church is the unified Christian Church and it's fathers like St Augustine, St Jerome etc and its relatively modern day luminaries like Denis Fahey, Pope Leo XIII, Vennari, William Walsh and many many others attest to this. Unity not Confusion(Babylon means confusion) will prevail against the gates of hell.
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